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As the methods of teaching evolve, the integration of technology in the classroom has been a subject of extensive discussion. While there are several advantages to using technology for teaching and learning, there are also concerns regarding its use in academia. Individual perspectives on technology in the classroom can vary based on personal experiences and preferences. This draft delves into the pros and cons of using technology in education and concludes with a personal reflection on the role of technology in the learning environment.













Pros of using technology in the classroom 

Advancement of Learner:  Utilizing multimedia, such as videos and animations, enhances the comprehension of complex concepts. For example, the concept of DNA replication may be challenging for students to grasp solely through traditional methods like drawings or lectures.

Broader Scope of the World: Technology enhances communication and connectivity. Platforms like online discussions, meetings, and conferences facilitate the exchange of ideas and perspectives, fostering a global understanding of current events.

Real-world Skills: Technology offers simulations, virtual labs, and interactive tools that allow learners to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. This provides a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for the demands of the modern workforce by equipping them with practical skills, fostering collaboration, and expanding access to information and resources.


Misconceptions on using technology in the classroom

Limited Access:  While technology facilitates better understanding, it is not indispensable for learning. With perseverance and a genuine passion for learning, individuals can acquire knowledge without relying on technology.  A person can gain knowledge and understanding through traditional methods like reading, which might take a little more time than using a computer.

Potential Loss of Skills: Technology should be viewed as a learning aid. Although there may be a potential loss of handwriting skills as educational methods evolve, logical thinking and brainstorming abilities will persist and remain unaffected. Genuine life skills, particularly communication skills, are acquired and honed through continuous practice and experience, and cannot be honed by technology alone.

Teacher-Student Relationship: Contrary to fears, I don't believe that incorporating technology diminishes the teacher-student relationship. Based on personal experiences, when students thoroughly understand a concept and have questions, they often feel comfortable asking for clarification. This interaction can actually strengthen the bond between students and teachers, fostering a positive learning environment and motivating others to engage in open communication.


How I personally feel about technology in the classroom

Dependence on technology: I rely on technology, such as projectors and computers, during my lectures. I think that it would become really difficult for me to explain some concepts to students if I do not have access to these technologies.

Social Interaction:   I feel that technology has made my face-to-face social interaction less frequent with the people I know, because we can readily use video calls to talk to someone or discuss something.

Technology adoption at my university: As an international student, I have noticed a difference that University of Nevada, Reno enthusiastically adopts technology for teaching and learning through diverse tech equipment, whereas the institutions back at my home country still continue to rely on traditional black/white boards for teaching.



Overall using technology for teaching and learning presents has its own pros and cons s. On the positive side, technology assists educators in explaining complex concepts to students and facilitates the tracking and analysis of student performance. Conversely, technology can potentially diminish skills like handwriting and reduce opportunities for face-to-face physical communication. Therefore, I personally believe that creating a balance becomes really important, aiming to maximize the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks associated with the integration of technology in education.

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